Den Sociale Kapitalfond is a specialized, value driven, and professionel investor that seeks to create attractive returns with a positive social effect. Read more about our work here: 

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Direct investments

Growth capital for socially responsible companies.

We invest in small and medium-sized socially responsible companies to help them to realize their potential for growth and to contribute to society.

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Investment in social impact

A method to achieve innovative solutions, with impacts for municipalities and regions.

In partnership with providers and suppliers, we invest in social impact. We take all the risk. If we reach our goal, there’s returns for the investor: if we don’t, the provider incurs no cost.

​Den Sociale Kapitalfond præsenterer sammen med 12 kommuner en ny metode til inklusion af udsatte i arbejdsfællesskabet med projektet ”Social inklusion gennem Vækstpartnerskaber”.

Impact Advisory

Customized accelerator programme forges commercial growth and social responsibility.

We help develop companies, joint activities and programmes for the unemployed.
The goal is corporate growth and long-term jobs for people at the edge of the labour market.